Weekend Traffic Jam Link Up #4

August 18, 2023

Welcome to the Weekend Traffic Jam link up #4 with me, Gail and Marsha! Another week has flown by! I’m looking forward to having my mum over for the weekend before I go back to stay with her next week. It feels like only five minutes ago that I was writing last week’s Weekend Traffic Jam post, and to be honest I haven’t got an awful lot to report.

I’m trying to keep on top of emails (I get so many!) and social media stuff, but sometimes I hit a snag and have to park it for a while. My latest TikTok is one such example: after I posted it there was an annoying flash frame so I tried to fix it and repost. However, my phone had other ideas and somehow most of my storage had disappeared. I couldn’t repost the video or doing anything else without getting rid of other videos and uninstalling apps. Grr! Everyone and everything seems to have an app that we’re encouraged to download, but how does anyone have enough storage? Granted, I have eleventy million photos of my cat on my phone that I absolutely cannot delete! But seriously, how much storage is now the norm on a phone? Please tell me I’m not the only one constantly battling the gigabyte bulge!

This week’s featured favourites from last week…

Most clicked – Marsha

My favourite – Cre8tion Crochet

And now it’s your turn!

Share with us your favourite gardening, DIY, baking, fashion, book review posts, or anything else. We ask you to visit other blogs, comment and share to show your support! Don’t forget to visit Marsha in the Middle and Is This Mutton? to see which post from last week’s Weekend Traffic Jam link up Marsha and Gail have chosen as their favourites!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

This is where I link up!


7 responses to “Weekend Traffic Jam Link Up #4”

  1. Nancy says:

    Don’t ask me technical things. I have it with my blog, my IT guy always tells me that I use to much storage. Well, he’s expert right….. couldn’t be bothered. Enjoy the weekend with your mom!

  2. Emma, thanks so much for hosting. My entry number is 4.

  3. Lanae Bond says:

    I often end up deleting blurry pictures and ones that don’t look too good. That way I end up having more storage space.

  4. Thanks so much for hosting this lovely party each and every week!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links and choosing Features!!! Thank You!! I hope you are having a great week!!

  5. Stopping in again…to thank you for your visit and kind words!!

  6. very nice suggestion you are thank you

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