How to customise a denim jacket + Sunday Reflections link up

June 24, 2018

How to customise a denim jacket

Happy Sunday! I hope you’ve all had a great weekend and are looking forward to a new week. I’m just back from a beauty event in Manchester which I’ll tell you all about in next Sunday’s post. Today I’m sharing a really easy DIY project: how to customise a denim jacket.

I’m rubbish at sewing but I managed to do a half-decent job…although I pricked my finger numerous times!

I first posted about this almost three years ago when I started customising an old denim jacket that a friend gave to me. I finished the front, but apart from an AC/DC patch, the back was looking a bit sparse. It was one of the many half-finished projects that I just didn’t get around to completing. But a few months ago I picked up a pack of patches on sale at Mango, and more recently one from Skinny Dip.

All the other patches I’d applied were iron on, but some hadn’t stuck very well and were peeling around the edges. So when I sewed on the eye and lips patches I also stitched the peeling ones. I’m rubbish at sewing but I managed to do a half-decent job…although I pricked my finger numerous times! Thankfully, the lightning bolt and star are stick on patches so that was easy! A word of warning though – they are VERY sticky, so you need to be completely happy with the positioning of them because there are no second chances!

How to customise a denim jacket

I bought all of the other patches from eBay as they’re often cheaper and there’s more choice. Each one represents something that I love: cats, Paris, fashion, TV…and AC/DC of course! As a child I was a massive fan of Wonder Woman, so that’s why she’s on my jacket (I still haven’t got around to watching the film yet though!).

I like the idea of being able to add more patches or badges to the jacket as I go along…a bit like getting tattoos, but without the commitment!

In the end I didn’t apply the fluffy water melon patch, mainly because I prefer symmetry and I didn’t have any others to balance it out. I think the back looks “done” now, although I could be tempted to add a couple more patches if I find some I like…especially a fox! I like the idea of being able to add more patches or badges to the jacket as I go along…a bit like getting tattoos, but without the commitment!

If you have an old denim jacket that you’re a bit bored with, customising it is a great way to give it a new lease of life. Alternatively, you could pick one up in a charity shop for not much money and have a play. And of course, you don’t have to limit yourself to a denim jacket – you could customise a pair of jeans too. One thing’s for sure…nobody else will have exactly the same!

Have you ever customised a piece of clothing? What patches would you choose if you could have anything you wanted?

How to customise a denim jacket

How to customise a denim jacket

How to customise a denim jacket


This is where I link up!


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16 responses to “How to customise a denim jacket + Sunday Reflections link up”

  1. Laurie says:

    I remember this post! It’s a clever way to add your own stamp to items xx

  2. I love this idea. You’ve done a great job Emma! xx

  3. Sasha says:

    Your jacket looks awesome, Emma! I love your choice of patches! If I were to customise a jacket I would choose the same Japanese cat (manekineko)patch as you, to symbolise my love of Japan and cats! I would also include an owl, fox, unicorn and some cherries or a pineapple! 😉 XXX

  4. Wow great job Emma 🙂 I customized my denim jacket too. You found f.e. a sex pistols sticker on it.
    Xo Tina

  5. jacqui says:

    Very cool, I’ve only ever attempted to take things up like hems and shirts, that’s the extent of my home sewing! Thanks for hosting Emma. x Jacqui Mummabstylish

  6. Oh my goodness, Emma, this is so stinking adorable! I want to run out to the thrift shop and find an old denim jacket now to try this! And like you, I can’t sew for anything, so I would want to try it on a thrifted jacket first! So adorable!


  7. Tianna says:

    such a cute denim jacket! I love patches 🙂

  8. Nice ideas your share on this blog. Denim jacket is my favorite and i am using on bike riding. It’s my favorite dress coed. You share the patches idea is really awesome. I like that. Great blog!

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