In previous posts, I’ve paired colourful outfits with bold eyewear. However, you don’t always need to wear specs or sunglasses. Sometimes you may wish to alter the colour of your eyes for your outfit, using coloured contact lenses. I used to wear them frequently in my 20s (hazel, green and violet were my favourites). However, you do need to know how to look after them. Otherwise, you run the risk of irritation and even infection. Here’s what you need to know about the safety of coloured contact lenses.
Though coloured contact lenses are popular among consumers, many people are unaware of these products’ safety and wear guidelines. The Optometry Times revealed that most patients are unaware that selling contact lenses over the counter is illegal in some countries. More alarmingly, a significant amount of patients reported that they do not know how to clean or properly put in the coloured contact lenses that they’ve bought. This trend can be very alarming because coloured contact lenses are potentially harmful to your eye health. So, if you’re interested in using contact lenses for cosmetic reasons, here are some crucial pieces of information that you need to know.
Coloured contact lenses can affect your eye health, especially if you get them from a supplier that’s not reputable. Many street vendors, beauty supply stores, markets and novelty stores sell these coloured contact lenses without asking for a prescription. Unfortunately, they usually sell counterfeit contact lenses that can cause serious damage to your eyes. The risks include creating a scratch on the top layer of your eyeball, allergic reactions, decreased vision, and even blindness. These unregulated contact lenses can also infect your eyes and cause symptoms like redness and prolonged eye pain.
Purchasing from these sellers can also be dangerous because they may not provide contact lenses with the right shape and size for your eyes. Poor-fitting contacts may cause extreme discomfort at the very least. At worst, they can also cause an eye infection, blurry vision, and damage to your eyes.
Aside from that, these sellers may not be able to provide instructions on using contact lenses properly. You’ll need to know how to wear the lenses properly to avoid damaging your eyes. You must also know how to clean your contacts to reduce your risk of experiencing infection. Most importantly, eye doctors and reputable sellers will warn you against sharing decorative contacts with others, as this can also cause infection.
You can guarantee the safety of your coloured contact lenses by avoiding retailers selling them over the counter. While these retailers are accessible to many, most contact lenses require a valid prescription because they are classified as medical devices. It isn’t always necessary, but buying from a reputable source means that you can guarantee safety and have a degree of protection in terms of quality. Even if you’re buying specialised contact lenses, like coloured ones, a reputable retailer will usually ask for a prescription from your optician. They should also have a range of reputable, respected lenses from recognisable manufacturers.
You can ensure the safety of the coloured contact lenses you’re using by purchasing from select manufacturers. To illustrate, Air Optix is a reputable manufacturer that has a line of coloured contact lenses that are considered as safe. Air Optix is actually made by an ophthalmologic company called Alcon, and they have approval from the FDA to create coloured contact lenses. It’s also ideal to purchase coloured contact lenses from your optometrist because they can teach you the proper guidelines for cleaning, wearing, and replacing these products.
Similarly, Acuvue Define by Johnson & Johnson are also considered reputable. Acuvue Define lenses are designed to enhance the natural beauty of the eyes. Their unique pattern blends with the iris, providing a natural yet noticeable enhancement. These lenses are made with LACREON® technology, which embeds a moisture-rich ingredient directly into the lens. This helps keep the eyes hydrated and comfortable throughout the day.
Always remember: you should not risk your health for cosmetic reasons. While coloured contact lenses may look good, you need to follow the proper protocols to avoid any irreversible damage.
I wore contacts for years before I had to switch to transitional lenses. When I was very young, mine were green which made my eyes a very intense green. They were also the old-fashioned hard lenses which also made my eyes very red! I loved wearing soft lenses but had problems with them, too. I’d still like to give contacts another try. Thanks for the information, Emma!
I’ve never worn hard lenses, always soft ones. I remember gas permeable lenses being an option too way back when I first started wearing them. I’d love to have laser eye surgery but I’ll probably need a new kitchen and various other things before that’s an option!
I never tried it and wouldn’t dare I think. But it’s a great option to change your,, look,,!
Thanks Nancy! It’s fun to try different colours but my eyesight is so bad now that they don’t make them with a strong enough prescription for me!
Oh these sound interesting Emma, I’ve worn some a few years ago and got on quite well with them. Just don’t need them in my life now. Great post. Jacqui xx
Thanks Jacqui. I can’t wear them now because I need a strong prescription! If it wasn’t for that I would still wear them on occasion.