A nice relaxing Sunday afternoon in my mum’s garden is a real treat, so I made the most of the nice weather by taking some photos against the backdrop of the lovely flowers. This simple outfit of grey vest and jeans with a pop of purple has enough detail to elevate it beyond basic. The grey applique top is from Matalan; it’s made from a really nice soft jersey material with swirls of fabric which resemble flowers.
As it turned cool when the sun went in I put on this silver shrug to cover my arms. It’s such a simple yet clever design as it can be worn as a scarf too. It would be a great item to take on holiday as it’s really lightweight. It takes up next to no space when folded up too.
I injected a bit of colour into the outfit with this slouchy Ri2k bag. It’s large enough to hold the ever-expanding collection of stuff I carry around on a daily basis. The Carvela grey platform shoes are a lot more comfortable than they look, although they’re maybe not the best choice of footwear for an uneven lawn! For a more practical option I could switch them for silver trainers to match the shrug.
Matalan vest | Marks and Spencer Per Una shrug | Ri2k bag | Carvela shoes | Missoni sunglasses